HearClear® Hearing Aid Battery | Free Sample

    First Name:*

    Last Name:*

    Full Name Of Patient (if submitter is the guardian of the patient):

    Your Email Address:*

    Your Shipping Address:*

    Name Of Your Cochlear Implant Manufacturer:*

    Model Number Of Your Cochlear Implant:*

    Year Cochlear Unit Implanted:*

    Name Of Hospital/Clinic Cochlear Unit Was Implanted:*

    Number of Implants:*

    One ear implantedBoth ears implanted

    Battery Type Currently Used:*
    Please check all applicable battery types.
    NiMH Rechargeable BatteryLi-Ion Or Li-Polymer Rechargeable BatteryPrimary Zinc Air Battery

    If Primary Battery Currently Used, Indicate Brand & Model:*

    Power One 675 Implant PlusRayovac 675 Cochlear PlusZenipower 675 Implant PowerAnother Brand

    If another brand, please indicate zinc air battery brand below:

    Where do you usually purchase your implant batteries?*

    How did you learn about our website?*

    Referral from a friend, family member, or aquaintance.Organic search results from a search engine.A paid advertisement box found on Google, Yahoo!, Bing,or another web page.

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    This offer is available only once to qualifying consumers. Allow 2 to 6 weeks for your sample to arrive in the mail to you.

    "Our Implant Plus product is the best primary battery option for cochlear implant users. In user comparisons to the Power One* Implant Plus battery,feedback from our cochlear implant customers has proven HearClear Implant Plus batteries provide more duration and runtime than the Power One counterpart for over 50% of the test users. Yet the HearClear battery costs a typical consumer 40% less than the Power One equivalent. If you are a cochlear implant user and can’t believe the amazing news, try a free sample of our HearClear Implant Plus today!"